Spring time is always a special time for me for it holds many memories. Some of these are good and others are not so good. For one thing is it was in April that I learned about my own kidney failure and had to put on dialysis. Another was that almost 4 years later 2017 I received a wonderful gift called transplant, but not before in the spring of 2016 I was told that I had 6 months to live. Then it was in the spring of 2020 that I started to work on getting Kidney Trails up as a blog and released it in the summer of 2020.

I find it interesting that so many things happened to myself during this time of the year that was related to my Kidneys. I can hear you asking me why would you say something like that Anthony. Well I am sure there is a lot of people that are not aware but March is Kidney Month and there is also a world kidney day that is celebrated in March. This year it is today March 14th to find out more about world kidney day click this link World Kidney Day to learn more. Also April is Donate Life Month and when I got the transplant it was one day after donate life day. Like I said I find this interesting.

So how have I decided to celebrate World Kidney Day. Doing what I enjoy and that is writing and sharing a few thoughts on what it means to me.

It was 2013 when I was Diagnosed with Kidney Disease and had to start dialysis. This was something that I was not prepared for but had to take it in stride. There was so much that happened in the 4 years that I was on dialysis that it would be too long to share in this blog post. To read about more details of my journey find it here at Anthony Journey. It was summer of 2016 when someone offered me one of there Kidneys which is a gift that I try to give back to each and every day. And it was in 2017 that I received a successful Kidney Transplant and I am so grateful for this great gift.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

To have a day that is set aside to raise awareness of Kidney Disease is wonderful and that it is not just on a local level or state level or even a nation level but a world level is amazing. This is the day that you may be out and about and see people wearing T-shirts that may say I am a kidney disease warrior or Kidney Disease won’t defeat me or something of this nature. You may see more ads on kidney disease or events raising awareness. I am glad that there are those that will go out and spread the word and I will do what I can as well through this blog. But also one other way that I will celebrate this day is getting up and getting ready for the day and going to work as a biomedical in dialysis and then coming home to my family Lord willing if the creek don’t rise.

If there is one thing that you can do you can share your our journey that you have traveled on your own kidney trails. If you are one that has Kidney Disease or you have a family member or a friend that has kidney disease. Or you may work in the Kidney Field you are traveling your own kidney trails. If you make a quick post about this special day you my friend have done your part and for that I am thankful for.

Anthony E Reed

Photo by George Dolgikh on Pexels.com

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